What a blessing and a challenge too!!!. Since the day we welcome her in our arms, we’ve received heaps of comment of who she resembles more – Papa. The t-shirt design (above) begins with our sweet #HIstory. My husband calls me his tigress which is not surprising as I can be quite fierce. So when we got married, it was really fun to name one of our wedding guests’ tables #hetamedthetigress. Our daughter started showing bits of her personality from a very young age. It’s really fascinating to watch our little girl roars like her tigress mum.
The little tiger can push Mama’s “mumzilla” buttons. In the past I thought it would be easy when your child is almost exactly like you but I realized pretty quickly, it is not as easy as I thought it would be. I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses; seeing it in my daughter can be both a blessing and a challenge. I celebrate her strengths and I am stretched when faced with her impatience and ultra determination (that looks a lot like mine) – she wants what she wants when she wants it how she wants it. The power struggle is real. My daughter also tends to drama-rama like her mama.
Taking a Step Back
Years spent in the mission field has taught me the importance of parental availability to a child’s development to wholeness. I have encountered multiple cases of disconnected adults as a result of emotionally absent parents. That gave me enough insight to be a mother who strive to be available physically and emotionally to my child. So in times when I am stretched, I asked myself this question; “How would you like to be treated in the same situation?”
It takes some effort to think and to calm myself down before I blow up and say something hurtful. Words have the power to build or destroy and I am choosing to build my child with my words. Oftentimes when it was most challenging, I was probably tired and not in the best space to give. Those would be the times I am reminded that I most need love when I am at my worst. So, I figured it would probably be same for my child. When she’s at her most difficult moment, that’s probably when she really needs Mama. Emotions are big for children and they need help from their caregiver to regulate those big emotions.
When I hit Mumzilla Level 1…
Papa to the rescue. Every. Single. Time. I am grateful that when I need a moment away just to calm myself down, my husband is there to attend to our baby. Just taking a moment away clears my head and gives me renewed strength to be the adult in our relationship. Helping our child to regulate has great benefit for her overall well-being and we desire to raise an affirmed adult.
Coming up with the idea of this t-shirt was really fun. This is indeed a great reminder what a gift we have received. She certainly roars with her Mama’s dramarama-ness and yes, we love her to the bits and she’s such a joy to be with. Plus she has the ability to soften a lot of people, strangers included. Every child is unique; with the right environment and heaps of love, that child will be a great blessing to the world. Hence, it’s our privilege as parents to set the right foundation for our children to thrive.
We hope the message of the t-shirt reminds us of the great potential our children possess and what a great blessing they are to us. Wait no longer, get yours today or give this as a gift. Click here.
P.S., There’s also a t-shirt for kids who growl like their Papa (link).